Friday, November 26, 2010

Promulgator, a post-humous love letter

a nexuslike beginning: before the beginning. when you tell it to children You chant:

we were all there in the very small room where we were all tumbled together: like kittens in a box.

You remember before that: running like crazy to get there on timer: before the doors lockt themselves - sez here 'forever.'

They had promised that everyone i loved wd. be there. Only You was [sic] there and You were mad at me. everyone else, ohmygod, Frank and Hentry are there. They don't seem to recognize me.

afterwards You fell in w/ me, and i didn't know. [editor: do i mean 'fall in love w/ me?']

Remember: I am You.
you are Me.

1 comment:

  1. i don't know i bother ---
    i've already got Social Security.

    this page ends w/ the line '3 cliche poem.' the astute reader my be interested by my use of trite locution, a fondness for phasis. but i will ot be writing a 3 cliche poem right now esp how tired as i am
