Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dear Tarin, we went to the place we are as gods.

we went to the place we are as gods. outside for a Moment (which lasts forever). Me decides to commit herself to Earth. 'it cd. be so beautifull.' 'it is beautifull.'

turn back! it's e… !
You visit here, a green gazebo
i hear the roar of traffic. it cd. be ocean. there's monsters. Too huge to eat us, except accidentally

find the magick sword.
learn how to use it and it's command: FLY!

but don't lose earth.
if you go out far enuf it's hard to find your way back. it helps to find a roa. we were lost in the forest.


  1. Hey Loser!

    Wanna Kill Yrself? Don't die in Vain! die for the Cause!

    take out one of the enemies of the people and be a hero of the Revolution!

    Remember: you wanna die anyway, take as many w/ you as you can.

  2. my god is a jealous girlfriend
    she sez she doesn't mind
    if i'm thinking about Marilyn
