i wanted to say that i want to run for president and wd include in my platform your petition. i haven't decided a name for my 'party' (of whom i am the only member) - I consider True Socialist only because someone beat me to SuperCapitalism -
ecosocialists exist. I could run. I usta own the domain name ecosocialism.us, but hadta let it lapse. a more accurate term for my politics is ecofascism (i also owned the domain ecofascism.us) but no one understands what that really means.
all i am saying is seize half the wealth of the top 10 percent and put every American into a home that is their's outright. and the following year we seize another 50 percent of the top 10%'s wealth.
By which point very few people will be left who own more than 5 houses.
With that money we wipe clean the debt of every American.
The third 50% of the top 10 percent goes toward the future: devising a zero water zero emissions zero toxic waste technologies.
The concurrent first step is to seize some large percentage of every publicly held company and redistribute an equal share of the Corporate wealth to every American.
I propose two tiers of citizenship:
the resident: this includes children, aliens, and people who do not want to participate in the total surveilance culture
their duties include paying taxes and partipipating in local politics. if a citzen gets 1 vote, a resident gets a partial vote.
To become a citizen one must contribute to the weal of the nation and our people. I propose an agricultural army, a teacher's corp (college students in the classroom), an ecocorps. As well as military training. if one does choose to participate they remain residents. Other wise once one has completed your service (it starts at 13 like going to boarding school. this is one aspect of the process of the elimination of class distinctions that lead to power over.
My power of the U.S. comes only if this certified lunatic can persuade people in every state to work to get me on the ballot, even if only as a write- in.
I need you America, and I am the death of Amerika. Perhaps they may one day be Americka, but not as long as children are property. not where prostitution is safer than the factory, and they find murdered women everyday. We have to examine our hatred that we think of as love.
As has been said "a standing army during peacetime is an invitation to tyranny" the military will stand down. The U.S. under my leadership will stop being the obstructive force in the U.N. - and sign the International Court Treaty - bring every president since Bush I for crimes that go beyond against humanity. I am referring to the use of depleted uranium. This is an act of biocide. As a signatory of major international treaties, the torturers will be brought to justice.
But a "well organized militia" - everyone shd receive the training appropriate to their ability. Not everyone is a warrior - but remote control guns can be controlled w/ eye movements. (To use a disability example). No $300, no college deferment - this is college, plus getting your hands in the dirt - every citizen takes part in their youth in the raising of food and learning survival skills. Teh barrier between city and country will break down. We will use our ecocorp and build to the future. A lot of the emediate future involves dismantling dams. Teh next generation of suicide bombera will the same disaffected suburban youth who are the main consumers of rap music.
i'll end on a nasty note like that. as i have said out loud in public (to the fear and chagrin of my companion) "Does predicting civil equal promoting civil war?" in other words - are these words seditious?
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